Monday 8 July 2019

Ways to Reduce Wisdom Tooth Swelling

Swelling around your teeth and gums can cause real discomfort. As a result, simple things like eating and speaking can get difficult.

emergency dentist sydney
This swelling can originate from a number of reasons such as canker sores, gum disease or pregnancy related issues. Nevertheless, there can be another reason for this swelling, i.e. problem with the wisdom tooth. In this situation, you may wonder if there could be any way to deal with the pain and discomfort due to this swelling.

In this scenario, a few things are worth mentioning.

The wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the molars that grow in the back of the mouth. They have a wide surface on the top and they assist well in chewing. Unlike other teeth in your mouth, these molars appear at the age between 17 – 21 years.
Ways to Reduce Wisdom Tooth Swelling

Reasons for swelling in wisdom teeth

The real reason for swelling is the bacteria. And the bacteria infection we are talking about in this regard is related to the way your wisdom tooth grows. If the wisdom tooth grows at an angle or it partially erupts through the gum, it can cause bacterial infection which can further lead to swelling.

Swelling of wisdom teeth before removal

There are many people who do not have any issues with their wisdom teeth. However, there are many who have issues like swelling, pus, bad taste, pain, and/or fever due to problems with the wisdom teeth. Now, extraction of wisdom teeth may seem like the only way to solve the problem once and for all but you are going to have to deal with the pain while tooth is still there. A few things that you can do to contain the pain are worth mentioning in this regard.
  • You can rinse your mouth with salt water. You will need to add two tablespoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this water.
  • Another way to reduce the pain is to apply cold compress. Cold compress should numb the area to give you comfort from pain.
  • You can also use numbing gels to contain the pain. These numbing gels mainly consist of benzocaine.
  • You can also go for the over-the-counter drugs to deal with the pain. These are usually anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. However, you have to keep in mind that this is only the temporary solution to relieve the pain.

Swelling after the wisdom tooth removal

While a couple of days after the wisdom tooth removal may bring a lot of swelling, this swelling is not here to stay for too long. The reason is that the source of swelling and infection will no longer be there. However, you can continue with the above mentioned steps to contain swelling after the tooth removal.

One thing that you need to keep in mind here is that you need to deal with the infection by having consultation with your dentist. Not taking care of infected area after the tooth removal can make things worse if the infection gets severe.

Call Winning Smiles today to get an evaluation for wisdom tooth extraction removal in Blacktown, Parramatta, Castle Hill, Rooty hills, Marsden Park, Stanhope gardens, Baulkham Hills, Westmead, Windsor, Richmond!

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